Interview with our CEO, Mr. Ariyoshi, on the strengths of HiTalent was published in “Consulting Career”. - ハイタレント株式会社|HiTalent Inc.

Interview with our CEO, Mr. Ariyoshi, on the strengths of HiTalent was published in “Consulting Career”.

We are pleased to announce that an interview with our CEO, Mr. Ariyoshi, titled “What is the strength of our matching service specializing in strategic consulting? Interview with Mr. Ariyoshi, our CEO, was published in “Consult Career,” a high-career media for people in their 20’s and 30’s. The article is titled “Ask Mr. Ariyoshi, HiTalent.

The article can be found here:

About HiTalent Inc.

Company name: HiTalent Inc.

Date of establishment: January 2020

Official company website:

Address: 2nd Bizflex Roppongi, 6-2-5 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Main business: Operation of HiTalent, a business professional community

Please contact us from the link down below
